Dr. Anthony Fauci Signals That Some COVID Restrictions May Return
After two full years of COVID-19, the White House chief medical advisor recommends being prepared for a return to past restrictions.
In a recent interview on the BBC's Sunday Morning, Dr. Fauci left the door open to the return of COVID-19 restrictions.
“Well, I don’t want to use the word lockdowns. That has a charged element to it, but I believe that we must keep our eye on the pattern of what we’re seeing with infections. Right now, I’ll take the United States, for example, the cases continue to go down. The hospitalizations go down and the deaths go down. We are going in a gradual way towards what we all hope will be normal.
Having said that, we need to be prepared for the possibility that we would have another variant that would come along, and that things change, and we do get a variant that does give us an uptick in cases and hospitalizations. We should be prepared and flexible enough to pivot towards going back, at least temporarily, to a more rigid type of restriction such as requiring masks indoors.”
Fauci also went on ABC’s This Week to express a similar sentiment.
“If we do see a signicant surge, particularly one that might result in increased hospitalizations, we have to be prepared to pivot and perhaps reinstitute some of those restrictions.”

COVID cases, deaths, and hospitalizations have been trending downwards. Almost 82% of people age 5+ have received at least 1 vaccination dose.