So... World War 3, maybe?
How a post-apocalyptic nuclear hellscape straight out of Fallout might just be coming sooner than you'd think.
Given the extremely serious nature of this topic, I felt that a satirical article was more appropriate here.
What an exciting time to be alive! Who doesn’t love sitting on the precipice of WAR with a power-hungry ex-KGB spook? I can’t help but wonder if I should even bother worrying about retirement at this point.
Ahead of the Russia-Ukraine War’s one-year anniversary, Russian President Putin suspended Russia’s participation in the START nuclear pact. Don’t worry, they’re not actually withdrawing from it and will still respect the pact’s nuclear arms cap. Despite that, I guess this means we’re inching closer to nuclear war with Russia or something. Somebody at Russian state TV is pissed at America because we might attack Crimea in the future. Truthfully, a part of me thinks our species kinda deserves all this for being stupid enough to stockpile enough nukes to blow up the planet.
Former President Trump had some choice words about the Russia-Ukraine war and President Biden’s job performance. I’ll commend Trump for not starting a new war unlike his predecessors Bush and Obama, even if his cabinet members were atrocious.

While Joe Biden’s weakness has brought the United States to the brink of World War III, President Trump has committed to purge the swamp lobbyists and the defense contractors from pushing our senior military and national security officials toward unnecessary wars for their own financial gain.
World War III has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all of the warmongers and America-Last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the national security industrial complex.
For decades, we’ve had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland and many others just like her, obsessed with pushing Ukraine toward NATO, not to mention the State Department’s support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now, we’re teetering on the brink of World War III. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it, and I’ve been right about a lot of things. They all say, “Trump’s been right about everything.”
Cute Couple
President Biden sneaked in a quick visit to his battle buddy, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. America has pledged over $100 billion in aid to Ukraine so far, with more than half of that going to military aid. Despite America’s generosity, Zelenskyy has been warning of world war just recently.
Because if China allies itself with Russia, there will be a world war, and I do think that China is aware of that
Pigeon Pizza, Bug Bread, and RAT-atouille
If anybody could survive this shit show, it’d be the rich doomsday preppers bunkered out in rural Montana or West Virginia. I hope everybody likes eating deer and chicken. Expect lots of pigeons, bugs, and rats for people living in the cities though. Just ask Mayor Eric Adams of New York. That guy kept a pet rat as a kid and named it Mickey. Hopefully, this is all just one giant Hunter Biden-esque pipe dream and we won’t be obliterated in a red-hot ball of nuclear fire.
That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.